Karmic remedies
Each one of us carry some karmas from our previous lives into this life and also from this life into our next life, until our soul gets liberation.
Sanchita Karma- Karmic bank balance, our accumulated Karma so far from all previous lives
Prarabdha Karma- a portion of the Karma, which is ripe and now is bearing fruit bearing in this life time. A portion of this Karma is what you experience in this lifetime. Note that it's not all the Karma, that will fruity, but the one that can take in the lifetime based on your birth chart.
Kriyamana Karma-all Karma of the present incarnation, which adds on to your Sanchita Karma and shapes your future
Some of you experience, what is called as 'destiny', which cannot be avoided as it that portion of the Prarabdha Karma, which you will have to experience. This is unavoidable for the Jataka (that is you)
What you can do in Kriamana Karma, which is through our actions, thoughts, words, which can add to your Karmic bank balance and thus help in your spiritual journey towards Moksha.
Jyotish offers some peek into this through your astrological birth chart and offering some remedies through certain good deeds, mantras and thinking.
Learn more. Follow my blog and my twitter handle.
Srrinivas Iyer
Mobile: +91-9867755116
Karmic remedies
Each one of us carry some karmas from our previous lives into this life and also from this life into our next life, until our soul gets liberation.
Sanchita Karma- Karmic bank balance, our accumulated Karma so far from all previous lives
Prarabdha Karma- a portion of the Karma, which is ripe and now is bearing fruit bearing in this life time. A portion of this Karma is what you experience in this lifetime. Note that it's not all the Karma, that will fruity, but the one that can take in the lifetime based on your birth chart.
Kriyamana Karma-all Karma of the present incarnation, which adds on to your Sanchita Karma and shapes your future
Some of you experience, what is called as 'destiny', which cannot be avoided as it that portion of the Prarabdha Karma, which you will have to experience. This is unavoidable for the Jataka (that is you)
What you can do in Kriamana Karma, which is through our actions, thoughts, words, which can add to your Karmic bank balance and thus help in your spiritual journey towards Moksha.
Jyotish offers some peek into this through your astrological birth chart and offering some remedies through certain good deeds, mantras and thinking.
Learn more. Follow my blog and my twitter handle.
Srrinivas Iyer
Mobile: +91-9867755116